Business Transformation Consulting

Ideas and Strategies for Communications, Branding, and Change


Change Communication

Successful digital transformation and change management is built on strategic communications. Our Crossflow program helps move communication from afterthought to strategic driver of change. We work with you to plan and position change, coach leaders, engage stakeholders, create content, and measure success.   

Strategic Communications

From planning and positioning to messaging and engaging, we provide senior-level strategy to help you drive critical communications initiatives, manage issues, launch products, and engage stakeholders. 

Brand & Marketing Strategy

Are you looking to evolve your brand with new approaches and innovative thinking? Check out SeaChangeCrew, a brand consulting collective by Oversea and friends. We can also help you with planning, counsel, and project leadership for marketing strategy, messaging, go-to-market (GTM) frameworks, and more.

Content Creation

Whether you need to bring your brand story to life, engage your stakeholders, manage a change initiative or drive thought leadership, creating the right content for the right audience at the right time matters. Oversea can help you develop quality content for all of your social, digital and traditional channels.



Strategic Planning

We develop marketing and communications plans, from content marketing and stakeholder relations to public relations and change communications.


Positioning & Messaging

Oversea works with clients to position products, services, issues or initiatives in ways that people understand while triggering action.


Brand & Visual Storytelling

We help clients bring their brand story to life and engage their target audiences with adaptable, visual content.


Workshops & Coaching

Oversea offers workshops, training sessions and coaching for presentation skills, interview situations, storytelling and positioning exercises.


Business Consulting

Oversea provides custom consulting services to organizations looking to modernize and transform their marketing and communications functions.


Thought Leadership

We work with executives and subject matter experts to elevate their unique perspectives through social, digital and traditional channels.


Content Strategy

Oversea helps with content strategy creation for change communication, thought leadership, brand storytelling and other scenarios.


Editorial Services

We provide editorial services for articles, ebooks, presentations, digital content and speeches. We also develop infodesign concepts and write video scripts.


The Debate over the Electronic Office

You can devise the office of the future – but you have to get people to that future. That requires planning and data, not just good intentions. That’s why I was thrilled when InnerSpace president Cerys Goodall asked me for change management input for their new guide on “The Future of Work(place)” and for an article about “How to plan and pitch a dynamic office” for the InnerSpace blog.


Oversea Strategies is a strategic communications consultancy that helps organizations build better business-to-business relationships, create more meaningful engagement with stakeholders or the public, and successfully manage change and transformation.

Oversea provides strategic counsel, project leadership and training to solve marketing challenges and manage critical communication initiatives. Our industry experience includes technology, healthcare, energy, real estate, finance, manufacturing, and the public sector.



Martin Hofmann
Principal, Oversea Strategies

Read Martin’s bio